Fun Game to Play with Kids.

Need an affordable fun game idea to play with your kids?

This is a game that my kids like. It is a variation on tag, but the playing field is leveled with a simple modification. If you are an adult or a kid, tagging someone is just as challenging. The game also helps to develop some eye hand coordination as well.

We call it Airplane Tag. The way you tag someone is with a paper airplane. Flat tipped planes are preferred, and head shots are discouraged. Sometimes there is one paper airplane in play, and sometimes there are multiple planes involve (rapid fire or burst fire). Paper airplanes can be unpredictable fliers as the game goes on. They may start out flying straight, but after some rough handling, they tend to veer off course and your aim needs to be adjusted. It keeps things interesting.

Games can last a half hour or may go on for days or months. For example, my son surprised me by hitting me with a paper airplane (game on), and that was two nights ago. Today I caught him off guard and paper airplane attacked him back. So some games are active and high intensity with many people involved, running, and dodging airplanes around the house. And some games are casual and limited action but with long duration play.

Getting touched by the airplane is the only tag that counts. Attack types can vary, airplanes have been leaned on the top edge of doors, so when a player opens the door, it drops and tags them. Or planes have been hidden on a dining room chair, so if the player doesn’t look, they get tagged when they sit down on it. So tagging isn’t limited to flying planes.

Being an adult just means you are a bigger target, and you have to bring more skills to tag a smaller, faster, opponent.

If you’re looking for something a little different and you have a sheet of paper, you might give Airplane tag a try.